IT Solutions That Deliver Peace of Mind
Delivering You IT Peace of Mind
Your PointMan stands beside you as you lead your company through the new digital world.Matt Kraska
Your PointMan, the leader of your Lazorpoint IT Team, is one of the top technology experts in Northeast Ohio. Your PointMan stands beside you as you lead your company through the new digital world.
Every Lazorpoint PointMan is a proven leader who has passed rigorous testing and training programs. Your PointMan is well-versed in all aspects of your technology solution and takes great pride in his or her role as a technology expert and trusted advisor.
What differentiates a Lazorpoint PointMan from your everyday IT support person is the level of expectation put on them and the level of accountability which they embrace. Unlike other providers, we know your PointMan has the experience to work smart and the confidence to make the right decisions in real-time.
I genuinely enjoy helping organizations achieve their potential. I get the opportunity to help people do good work by providing the best IT possible.
Matt KraskaI like a good fight, many of our clients are in a fight with their competition and it feels good to give them an advantage with properly planned IT.
Andrew CaloriI’m focused on instilling confidence in leadership teams in their IT systems, allowing them to focus on what matters to them – their business.
Grant MenardI am passionate about building strong connections with others and the challenge it can take to solve their IT problems.
Clayton TheysYour PointMan acts as your IT guide. They understand your business needs, provide your team with IT leadership, translate technical language into language anyone can understand, develop strategic blueprints, and collaborate with all internal and external teams.
Your PointMan acts as your IT Leader. Your PointMan takes control of your IT systems, develops efficient, and effective IT processes manages third-party relationships, as well as trains your internal team on system design and operations.
Your PointMan is your IT support. They keep your technology up-to-date, ensures maximum system uptime, provide quick responses when issues arise, and most importantly allow you to remain focused on your business.